Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bikes are awesome...

...But they are a pain in the butt too. Good grief. I had to take a day off yesterday to do recuperate because I am such a marshmallow...or I should say, my boo-hiney is. So yesterday was my day off. Tonight was a workout day.

I probably sweat off 5 pounds today working, so it was (psychologically) easier to do crunches. It should be said that I love doing crunches. I am probably the only person in the world who is truthful when they say that. But the only ones that actually make me feel like I'm doing anything are the ones where you lie on your back and hold your shins parallel to the floor. They work so many muscles it's unbelievable. I feel like my muscles are the broccoli rubber bands stretched tight when I do them, but I feel so much better afterwards that it's worth it.

I did 150 tonight. I'm going to go curl up in a ball now.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How silly of me... think that I could do any sort of workout in the Delta heat. Good grief.

I got off work this afternoon (at Mississippi should go if you are ever in the Delta. It's awesome), at 6pm. After drinking only water all day to stay hydrated, knowing that I would bake in the sun if I didn't, I leave to bike.

Now you should know that in recent years, my will to exercise has dwindled down to almost nothing. I could blame it on school, work, stress...any number of things, but the truth is that I've just been lazy. My impetus now is the fact that jeans I bought LAST summer no longer fit. I like food, all different kinds (except fried), so sue me.

Needless to say, I only rode 2 miles. I've lost my bike boo-hiney, so that's another thing that will hamper my progress in the beginning. The heat index was close to 100, so I know that I'll just have to ride either very early (not likely), or later in the evening, but it's so gonna happen. I refuse to waste my money on new jeans when I have a perfectly new pair just waiting for me. I will not enable myself.

You only get one life. Why waste it sitting on a couch?